Admissions Information
St Mary’s is a Voluntary Catholic Academy in the Diocese of Middlesbrough. It is a co-educational, Primary School including a Nursery for children aged 3-11.
St Mary’s is part of St Cuthbert’s Roman Catholic Academy Trust and the Trust Board is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for determining the admission arrangements.
Determined Admissions Arrangements for 2025/2026
In accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act we have now determined our Admission Arrangements for 2025/26, PAN 15.
Objections about a school’s admission arrangement can be made to the school’s adjudicator and should be made before 15th May in the year they are set. If you feel that a school’s admissions arrangements are unlawful and do not comply with the admission code.
Contact the schools adjudicator –
Applying for a Reception place
If you live in the local area you will be contacted by the Local Authority when it is time to apply for a place for your child. When completing the form name St Mary’s as your first choice school and return the forms to the Local Authority. Then complete the Primary Supplementary form and return to the school. At any time before or during this process you are very welcome to visit St Mary’s where we will be happy to help. Below is a link to the ERYC website with more information about admissions.
In Year Transfers
Applications for In-Year transfers should be made through you Local Authority.
Any queries regarding applying for a reception place, In-Year transfers, or appeals please contact Miss Stonehouse on 01430 872330.