Catholic Life & Community
Our School Ethos
St Mary’s has a happy, friendly and warm ethos that permeates throughout the school. The ethos is supported by a dedicated team of staff, governors, parents and amazing children.
Together we journey with Jesus, inspiring each other to learn.
We gather together for collective worship each day, sharing prayer, values and our faith. Children take a lead in many ways working with the adults in our school.
Chaplaincy and Prayer Life
We have a Chaplaincy Team and Mini Vinnies who strengthen our faith and community by working to support causes close to our hearts, for example, Mission Together, CAFOD, and Peoples Pantry.
We plan and enjoy our faith through special days and times we spend together in Advent, Christmas, Lent and Eastertime. Advent afternoon is very popular, when we prepare our advent wreaths and come together to begin the journey to Christmas. Chaplaincy supports the school in its delivery of spirituality, worship and prayer with a particular focus on Christianity and the liturgical year in the Church. We share our work and faith through prayer, song, drama, display and through collective worship.
We have daily opportunity to pray together, in personal space, as a class around our prayer focus. We learn and share traditional prayers, we begin each day and end each day with a prayer, a special part of our school life.
Section 48
The most recent Diocesan Inspection of the school took place in July 2023.